
Congratulations! You correctly did Sudoku {{size*size}} x {{size*size}} level "{{getLvlName()}}" for {{timer}}.

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Sudoku solved wrong, keep playing!


Sudoku is played on a square field of 9 by 9 cells. In the early game some digits on the field in certain cells known. The field is divided into areas (squares 3 by 3)

The goal of Sudoku: fill all empty cells with numbers 1-9 (one digit per cell) according to the following rules:

1) The number can appear only once per line

? Wrong

? Right

2) The number can appear only once in each column

? Wrong : ? Right

3) The number can appear only once in each area<

? Wrong : ? Right

If you are not sure which number can be in the cell, you can leave hints by selecting a few numbers that can stand in this place, and then choose one of them.

That's all. Tip: first fill cells you are sure, and then proceed to the remaining cells.

Also there is unique version - 4x4 - in this game.

It's time to play!